the filthy gorgeous stuff

I'm a student. I'm busy, with A Level work, so I'll do what I can to update as much as possible, every four to seven days. Plus the name of the blog is on a sticky note above my mirror in my bathroom, so I won't forget.

Saturday 18 September 2010


Saturday. Sat-ur-day, my favourite but one day of the week - apart from Sunday.

Yesterday, I went for an interview at a larger teaching hospital in the city where I go to school about being a volunteer - after about 15 minutes we were talking about skiing and my brother - so it was more of a chat really. After the Criminal Records Bureau check and a Health Questionnaire I'll be on the list, they'll assign me to a ward and, I suppose I just start working. Which is good, a volunteering post at a teaching hospital (which will also provide me with work experience) will make me look very rosy come this-time-next-year, and my dastardly run-in with Mr UCAS.

I suppose I should fill in a few gaps about my educational history. My parents have never once paid any money (apart from UK Tax obvs.) towards my education. I was at several state primary schools, from ages 4-11 and an all-girls grammar school from 11-16, continuing into the sixth form about 2 weeks ago, where I should stay until I'm 18, providing that I don't get kicked out. Which I won't - I'm a good girl. This summer, I took 11 GCSEs - and a twelfth was taken in 2009. Embarrassingly, here are the results.

English Literature - A*
English Language - A*
Mathematics - A*
French - A*
Chemistry - A*
Biology - A
Physics - A
Geography - A
History - A
Art and Design - A
Religion - A
Info and Computer Tech - A (June 2009)

And this year, I'm taking Advanced (A) Levels in Biology and Chemistry (necessary if you want to be a doctor/apply for medicine in the UK) Psychology and French, all to make me appealing and a varied student, rather than the full science/maths of the past. SO. I'm learning Russian and Afrikaans (mainly cos part of my get-into-med-school-plan involves me jetting off to South Africa next summer, if I can raise the funds.) British Sign Language, doing first aid until my eyes pop out and the same thing with work experience. Plus somehow having a life.


I have been talking about med school, work experience, A Levels, careers, volunteering, UCAS, options and related business for the best part of two weeks. I think a day and a half of relaxation really is in order.

England is throwing some gorgeous weather at the moment, cold - bitter cold wind for September and clear, sunny blue skies. Horse weather to be honest - spending some lovely quality time with my old ginger horse tomorrow and going for a long ride wrapped up in jackets and the thermal gloves my mama bought me for Christmas. After that I think a hot bath, chicken soup, biology and chemistry homework and Indiana Jones marathon. For now, I'm gonna watch Mad Men, make a pizza and go to bed early. What a life I lead - much different to last weekend, where I went to a friend's university leaving party and had a teenage time indeed. I told you I wasn't the norm.



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