the filthy gorgeous stuff

I'm a student. I'm busy, with A Level work, so I'll do what I can to update as much as possible, every four to seven days. Plus the name of the blog is on a sticky note above my mirror in my bathroom, so I won't forget.

Saturday 16 October 2010

A list to add to.

So. In my quest to get into med school, I have decided to make a list. I looked down my last few posts and decided that it's pretty negative to be honest, and 16 years isn't a long time to be alive but here's the thing.
  • Some people live in one place for their whole life. They live in a bubble of isolation for 60,70,80+ years, and learn nowt. Or, you get the ones that don't give a shit. Literally, do not care what is going on in the world because they are too stuffed up their ass to notice.

  • Then you get the kids who may not be old. They may not be knowledgable in years, but hey, they've seen enough. I reckon I fit into that category.
It may seem pretentious. It may seem out there. Possibly even stuffed up my own ass. But I reckon that I have learnt a few things along the way from birth to now that maybe others may not have noticed. So. 5 things for today.

  1. 99% effort will get you nowhere. 110% effort may get you somewhere. Give it your all and with a bit of luck, you will be where you want to be.
  2. Don't try and make a career out of your hobbies. Hobbies are fun. Jobs aren't. Don't combine otherwise you will end up hating what you love.
  3. Sometimes, just sometimes, violence is the answer.
  4. The 'Keep Calm, Carry On' mantra. Learn it. Don't just adopt it. Marry it. Then your children will be born with the innate ability to, well, keep calm, carry on.
  5. Eat. Good. Food. Always.
Anyway. That's it for today, I'm tired. Poster :)

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